Did you notice the paradox: when it comes to careful and long-term preparation for conception, future dads often ignore medical recommendations, believing that everything related to pregnancy is exclusively a woman’s business, and this is very reckless, because the nutrition of the future dad directly affects the level of testosterone in the body, as well as the development of healthy, active spermatozoa.

To conceive a healthy child, a future father should:

Avoid smoking and alcohol.

Alcohol has an equally detrimental effect on the male reproductive system, as well as on the female reproductive system. Both alcohol and nicotine lead to a decrease in the production of male sex hormones and a decrease in the number and viability of spermatozoa;

Do not get carried away by excessive physical activity.

Sports, physically hard work, because they can adversely affect the fertilizing function of sperm;

Refrain from visiting baths, saunas, taking hot baths.

The problem of the effect of elevated temperature on fertility, that is, the ability to conceive, is purely masculine. It is no accident that the place of sperm formation – the testicles – is in the scrotum, the temperature of which is normally lower than the body temperature. And is not the usual 36.6 and only 35C. Therefore, warm pants and panties, especially synthetic, thick blankets, permanent baths, saunas and hot tubs adversely affect the quality of sperm; Be sure to include on a regular basis in your diet such products as:

  • Fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits (fresh, frozen, dried fruits, etc.), especially worth paying attention to those that are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. It is the latter that affects the motility of spermatozoa.
  • In addition, you should pay close attention and additional intake of vitamins. The most important vitamins for men for conceiving a child are zinc (every day you need to eat or separately at least 15 mg of zinc) and vitamin E, which is especially needed to reduce the risk of producing abnormal spermatozoa.
  • Food rich in fiber (legumes, lentils, whole rice, wholemeal bread)
  • Fish, especially marine fish species, rich in fatty acids Omega 3
  • Dairy products (rich in calcium)
  • Spices that normalize the circulation of liquids (cayenne pepper, ginger), including sperm


It is necessary to minimize the use:

  • Iodized salt. Its excess reduces the amount of sperm.
  • White rice, high grade flour, white sugar.
  • Animal fats in meat and dairy products
  • Nutritional supplements.

Actually, one word is enough – to exclude! The fact is that until now it is not known how this or that preservative, emulsifier or flavor can affect the condition of eggs and spermatozoa. Therefore, do not take risks. For two or three months before conception, go to a natural, clean food.

To conceive a healthy baby, the expectant mother should:

There are products that, like reliable guards, stand for the protection of the interests of the maturing egg. Want to know what? Products containing vitamin E.

Namely, vegetable, better unrefined butter, grain bread, eggs, liver, nuts, all legumes, and, of course, buckwheat and oatmeal. Pay special attention to sprouted wheat, as well as flakes and flour from it. It is a delicious and healthy product!

Products with vitamin C.

It is so well soluble in water, and in fact is a kind of twin of vitamin E. All of us, of course, know the sources of vitamin C. These are rose hips, citrus fruits, black currants, kiwi and sea buckthorn, as well as sweet peppers.

Prefer foods containing beta-carotene or provitamin A.

He is a great defender of eggs from adverse effects. Beta-carotene neutralizes harmful radiation and protects cells from toxic substances. Products with a high content of beta-carotene are different varieties of cabbage – colored, kohlrabi and Brussels, also pumpkin, parsley, carrots and apricot snacks.

Eat foods with a trace element – selenium.

It is a magical, wonderful element that turns oxidizing substances into perfectly harmless water. Foods in which selenium with excess cereals, mushrooms and fish, as well as a variety of vegetables, including, zucchini, celery, asparagus and cucumbers. And, better ground! In them, selenium is much larger than in greenhouse cucumbers.

Eat foods with zinc content.

The chemical element of zinc is an integral part of the enzyme by which selenium is produced. But zinc also perfectly protects cells! Its a lot in beef and poultry meat, cheese and nuts, shrimp and crab.

Such an important is folic acid.

Folic acid is found in green vegetables with leaves (for example, in spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), in legumes, whole grains, yeast, liver, is a part of honey. This acid is necessary for the creation and maintenance of new cells in a healthy state, so its presence is especially important in the period of rapid development of the organism, in particular, at the stage of early intrauterine development. With a lack of folic acid in the early stages of pregnancy, the formation of a defo

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