Diet Myths

The desire to lose weight and get rich are the two most common today. And if with the second, I’m unlikely to help you with good advice, in the first case, I would like to dispel the myths about nutrition, sports supplements and super-diets.

And so, let’s start with the debunking of one of the main myths:


Remember, whatever you do, you can not lose weight separately in the sides, or legs, or stomach. In general, any activity aimed at losing weight in a particular place has absolutely no sense. You can not find a person who could lose weight only in the waist, or just “removed the sides” (unless he did liposuction). Because it is impossible and proven by scientific research. Do not confuse only with the strengthening of certain zones, so with the help of exercises – it is, indeed, quite feasible!

The most stupid thing in the hope of losing weight around the waist and abdomen: wrap around the film and run along the treadmill or do exercises and twisting on the press, in the hope of reducing the waist.

So, once again: you can lose weight only whole and this process depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

In men, most often, in the last place, fat leaves the lower abdomen, in some women – in priests, sides, hands or feet. In other words, if your problem area is a stomach, then you can “lose weight” it definitively only when in other places fat also “has already left”. And if you have patience, then almost any body can be brought to at least a satisfactory state for a few stubborn training and proper nutrition.


Indeed, why count and spend for this time? It is better to eat and do not clog your head with boring calculations, but if everything was so simple. In fact, the secret of losing weight is only that you need to spend more calories than absorb. It’s all. There is no other way. There is no magic either.

And even if you have time to eat the Raffaello package in addition to the already consumed 2000 calories during the day, then neither the 25th frame, nor slimming tea, nor the hunger strike after 6 pm will help you – you will still get fat.

All semi-charlatan and other methods of weight loss are aimed either at forcing you to consume less calories (distraction, suppressing appetite, hard diet), or for moving more by any means. But not everything is so simple. If you are over 30, it’s not enough just to consume fewer calories, you have to spend more. You need to act on both sides: and cut caloric content, eating healthy food, and increase calorie consumption with a sport load – if you are a beginner with an excess of fat, it works.

And yes: 30 years, of course, a conditional milestone. The exact figure on the one hand is individual, on the other hand it is not important.


The mechanism of the effect of short-term diets (with a sharp reduction in calorie intake down to less than 1000 per day) is described. First, the body, not getting calories (in full accordance with the fact 1), inevitably grows thin, as the consumption of calories becomes noticeably less than their expenditure. Following a severe decrease in caloric content on the strength of will, the amount of vitamins and nutrients needed is significantly reduced. The appearance is worse, the muscle mass is lost. There is an inevitable collapse into depression and sooner or later – a breakdown that leads to uncontrolled consumption of food and, as a rule, the return of the spent with the necessary stock for the next hungry period.

Yes, and rarely who goes on a diet for life, preferring to overeat after a forced hunger strike with plenty of extra fat for the next diet.

In addition, weight loss on a short-term low-calorie diet is not just short-lived, but also occurs largely due to muscle loss, which is very difficult to repair. And with the loss of muscle, your personal calorie rate also falls and it’s getting harder to fit into it.

A healthy and reliable way to lose weight with fixing the result – a change in lifestyle. Not temporarily, but forever. Not a temporary diet, but new eating habits. In other words, if you sit on a diet, sit on the one on which you will last a lifetime.

And, it is not necessary and it is harmful to starve, it is enough to observe simple principles of healthy nutrition. You can be surprised to find out that if you give up 100 grams of sweets per day and mayonnaise forever, you consume as much as 500 calories per day less and will start to lose weight only from this.


People who are overweight often argue that slow metabolism is the reason that they can not lose weight urgently. This has been disproved from time to time in tightly controlled experimental studies. Regardless of whether you believe it or not, the opposite is true. Men and women with a large body weight actually burn more calories, because the metabolism is directly related to the total body weight and muscle mass. Simply put, large people burn more calories than small people. In addition, the cost of energy for moving large bodies is greater than the cost of energy for moving small bodies. Anyone who doubts this, should go with a 30 kilogram backpack and then judge. Obviously, if you carry extra weight with you, you burn more calories. The reverse is also true: after you lose weight, you burn fewer calories to move a light body. If you continue to eat as much for your smaller body as you did for a larger body, your calorie deficit is reduced in the same way as you lose weight. This not only partially explains the myth of “slow metabolism”, but also helps explain the weight plateau and relapse weight. In obese people, the problem often is that they simply do not realize the amount of food eaten per day. Outcome: almost all of us do not know how to correctly guess the number of our calories.


Before you engage in amateur activities and set a goal to lose 5-10-15-20 kilograms, you must always consult a doctor and make a specialized plan that takes into account your individual characteristics. A competent specialist will help to lay out all the facts on the shelves, following which you can lose weight without any miracle-tablets and potions.


Skipping food leads to a drop in blood sugar, and this has a negative effect on your well-being and can lead to breakdowns, the code you will get access to food. You can not be hungry, so try to take with you in advance useful products, in case you are hungry. Also, never skip breakfast! Scientists released the following data in the journal Epidemiology (2003): most obese people do not have the habit of eating breakfast. Therefore, if we miss the morning meal, we put ourselves at risk of recovery. The fact is that breakfast helps us control the appetite throughout the day. If we do not get nutrients in the morning, we make up for their shortage during the day, and more often by the evening.


Training is fine and they are necessary in order to bring yourself in shape, that’s just your stomach certainly will not like it, if you immediately after a meal decide on athletic feats. This can lead to stomach upset, spasms and diarrhea, because your muscles are competing with your digestive system to get energy. To avoid these complications, there is a need for 2-4 hours before the workout, the time depends on the size of the portion.


Carbohydrates are your main source of fuel. Cereals, bread, pasta, rice and fruit give you the energy necessary for training. After intensive physical exertion, you just need to eat food rich in proteins and carbohydrates. The main rule is to remember the norm of calories that you use and when it comes to carbohydrates – this does not mean that you can eat rolls, sweets and cakes. A slice of grilled salmon with a portion of vegetables is an ideal and balanced supper after a workout.


How many times it was said and written about how important it is to drink water to prevent dehydration. Experts argue that it is especially important to drink the daily norm to women. Their physiological device provides that the urinary system must be thoroughly rinsed so that the bladder does not become inflamed. Without getting the necessary fluid, the body seems to dry up, and the skin becomes too flabby, and the muscles are greatly weakened. Sometimes, if a person lacks fluids, he may be somewhat inhibited, lose a sense of reality, experience a decrease in attention, memory problems, constipation. That’s why, do not forget to maintain the proper balance of water in the body and your body will thank you for it!

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