Author: stormingideas

Is it possible to get rid of an allergy without medicines and if yes, how?

Is it possible to get rid of an allergy without medicines and if yes, how?

If you are one of the 26 million Americans who suffer from an allergy of the upper respiratory tract, then perhaps you have already stocked up with an entire arsenal of remedies to minimize such unpleasant symptomsas: nasal congestion, lacrimation, sore throat, headache, dyspnea, due to hypersecretion mucus.

To date, there is a wide range of antiallergic drugs: these are antihistamines – they are the basis for eliminating the symptoms of allergy, and although these drugs have been improved in recent years, many of them still cause side effects in the form of blurred consciousness, fatigue and, drowsiness. Another group of agents include steroids, which radically change the underlying processes and modulate the anti-inflammatory response. Unfortunately, this action contributes to the deterioration of the overall immune system and, consequently, increases the risk of other infections.

There are several forms of allergy: respiratory allergies, food allergies, urticaria, Quincke’s edema, atopic dermatitis, eczema and anaphylactic shock.

If to speak about allergic defeat of the upper respiratory tract, then the most common form is allergic rhinitis, and this category includes allergic rhinosinusitis and tracheobronchitis.

Scientists believe that there are several reasons leading to the development of allergies and asthma. For example, children who were early weaned and introduced complementary foods, as well as those who received antibacterial therapy during the first 2 years of life, are most likely to have an allergy in their history. Excessive use of antiseptics and antibiotics is a factor affecting the development of allergic rhinitis. In addition, low intake of food antioxidants and the effect of tobacco smoke on mucous membranes – significantly increase the risk of allergic reactions. Other potential factors include decreased secretion of gastrointestinal juice and proliferation of fungal flora in the intestine (Candida Albicans).

How to deal with allergic reactions without resorting to medications?

Limit the direct effect of allergens

First of all, limit the direct effect of allergens. Install the house air filtering filters. Constantly clean carpets and furniture, your bedding.

Use your diet to control allergy symptoms

A study of 35 patients in a medical journal showed a positive correlation between relief of allergy symptoms and a vegetarian diet. In clinical observations, 92% of patients who followed a vegetarian diet for one year reported a decrease in asthma symptoms. Improvement was observed in a number of clinical changes, including the vital capacity of the lungs and the volume of forced expiration. Therefore, try to ensure that your diet consisted of 85% of vegetables.

Eliminate foods that are strong allergens from the diet

These include chocolate, sugar, dairy products, wheat flour, soy and gluten. There is also convincing evidence pointing to the relationship between allergic rhinitis and the consumption of certain food additives, including artificial flavors and dyes, sulfites and benzoates.

Eat foods rich in omega-3

Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids to maintain airway health and further promote the production of anti-inflammatory mediators. Food sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fish, flax seeds, chia seeds and walnuts. Other powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that can be useful, as contain allicin – are onions, garlic, ginger, rosemary, curcumin, and the Boswellia herb.

Increase the consumption of antioxidants

They play an important role in preventing the formation of free radicals and include vitamins C and E, selenium, carotenoids, and flavonoids. An excellent antioxidant is bromelain, which in sufficient quantities is contained in pineapples and supports the functioning of the mucosa and is a natural decongestant.

Observing these simple tips, I hope you will ease allergy manifestations and reduce its manifestations to a minimum. In addition, we have in stock natural supplements, which will also help to cope with the manifestations of allergies